If you have not yet studied German: Register for German 1.
If you have not taken the CEEB AP German Language and Culture exam or scored lower than 5 on it: Take the German placement test and register for the course that corresponds to your score on the test.
If you scored 5 on the CEEB AP German exam: You are exempt from German 3, and you could take German 10.00, 10.01, 10.02, and/or 10.03. You should nonetheless take the placement test and discuss your score with the German Studies Language Program Director, Professor Nicolay Ostrau.
If you scored 720 or higher on the SAT German Test (GM) or German with Listening Test (GL): You are exempt from German 3, and you could take German 10.00, 10.01, 10.02, and/or 10.03. You should nonetheless take the placement test and discuss your score with the German Studies Language Program Director, Professor Nicolay Ostrau.