Graduate Study and Research (DAAD)

Graduate Study and Research (DAAD)

Description: DAAD Study Scholarships fund graduate study in Germany for highly qualified students of all disciplines (US citizenship is not required). Applicants should have a well-defined study or research project that makes a stay in Germany indispensable. Preference will be given to applicants who have either been admitted to a German host institution or can prove that they have established contact with a host institution. To explore graduate programs in Germany, the DAAD recommends visiting this website: Study in Germany

Time frame: 7-10 months (academic year), with the possibility of a one-year extension for students in Master's degree programs to complete a full degree course.

Location: Varies (within Germany).

Financing and Accommodations: The package includes a monthly stipend, a travel allowance, health, accident, and personal liability insurance, a one-off study or research allowance, payment of course fees for a German language course (if needed), monthly rent subsidy (under certain circumstances), monthly allowance for accompanying family members (under certain circumstances). You will be responsible for making your own travel arrangements and securing accommodation. 

German Language: Since many graduate programs in Germany are taught in English, German is not required. However, having academic familiarity with Germany through coursework and/or language study will strengthen the application. 

Application and Deadlines: October 1 (internal), October 31 (external). Because the application requires a Dartmouth endorsement, please visit this Canvas site learn about the details and always seek feedback on your application materials from the office of Fellowship Advising

German Studies Faculty Mentor: n/a.