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This site is home to our German Beats podcast archive recorded at 99 Rock Dartmouth Broadcasting Station or in-house.
Our podcasts feature conversations between German Studies faculty and students (with music) as well as guest speaker interviews and sound pieces relating to German language, literature and culture from our course offerings. The archive is continually updated, so check back often for new content.
Or listen on our mobile app at: https://dartmouthgermanbeats.podbean.com/
This interview preceded a talk entitled Please Don't Gender Me, which was organized by the Language Program Directors at Dartmouth and kindly sponsored by the Leslie Center for the Humanities.
In her talk, A. Djavadghazaryans identifies challenges in gendered language instruction and outlines experiences of trans- and non-binary students in language classrooms, discusses linguistic perspectives on grammatical and social gender, and suggests practical solutions/strategies for gender awareness in the classroom.
Angineh Djavadghazaryans is an Assistant Professor in German Studies and an Affiliated Professor in Women and Gender Studies at Oakland University, Michigan.
Interview by Nick Ostrau on March 1, 2019.
Song: SCOUT, I am not a Girl, I am not a Boy (2018)
Im Jahr 1918 spricht ein unauffällig gekleideter Mann im Berliner “Café des Westens” einen bekannten Künstlerkollegen an. Auf die Frage, was er mache antwortet er: "Ich bin Maler und ich nagle meine Bilder.« Schwitters malte aber nicht nur dreidimensionale Bilder, sondern schrieb auch viele unsinnige, gefühlstbetone, polemische, ironische und erotische Gedichte.Wir lesen sein DADA-Gedicht "Regen."
Anekdote aus: Ohde H. (1997) Schwitters, Kurt. In: Lutz B. (eds) Metzler Autoren Lexikon. J.B. Metzler, Stuttgart
Gesprochen von Nick Ostrau
100-70-30: Wir feiern dieses Jahr nicht nur das Jubiläum unseres Colleges, sondern auch das Jubiläum der drei deutschen Republiken.
Autor*in: Nick Ostrau, Dartmouth German Studies
Students from Veronika Fuechtner's Weimar Republic Culture seminar (Fall Term 2018) recorded an interview with Volker Kutscher, author of the wildly popular international German crime novel series Babylon Berlin.
Students read excerpts from our course texts:
1. Tristans Kindheit
2. Das eigensinnige Kind
3. Die Elfen
4. Struwwelpeter
5. Manor
6. Die Turnstunde
7. Die dunkle kammer: Lore
8. Kippen stechen
9. Das dicke Kind
10. Sonnenallee
11. Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo
Simon Oster ('21) und Nick Ostrau talk about Austria, Skiing and German immersion.