Bundestag (German Parliament Internship)

Bundestag (German Parliament) Internship via the International Parliamentary Scholarship (IPS)

Description: Each year, the German Bundestag, in cooperation with other institutions, offers competitive International Parliamentary Scholarships to young university graduates from 50 countries. The goal is to promote relations between Germany and the participating countries, furthering democracy, peace, and cultural diversity. The program places successful applicants with an office of a Bundestag Member. The tasks include producing in-depth reports, drafting speeches, articles and letters, preparing meetings and carrying out secretarial tasks. In addition, the participants accompany their Members to meetings of the committees, parliamentary groups, and other parliamentary bodies to gain insight into Parliament's functions, systems and procedures, as well as on a visit to the Member's constituency. Participants are enrolled as students at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin for the summer semester and, if they wish, as guest students at one of the other universities. They also receive an introduction to Germany's political, economic and cultural life via seminars held by the political foundations.

Time frame: March 1 to July 31.

Location: Berlin, Germany.

Financing and Accommodations: The program offers a monthly payment of 700 euros, free accommodation, and health, accident and liability insurance.

German Language: Strong German skills (B2 or C1) that most majors and motivated minors can develop over their course of study at Dartmouth. In addition, applicants must be citizens of a participating country (dual nationality permitted), hold a university degree, and be under 30 years of age.

Application and Deadlines: Usually August 31 of the year preceding the start of the program. Make sure to check the website for further details. 

German Studies Faculty Mentor: N/A