"Remembering Schiller: The Centenary of 1859," Seminar 35 (1999): 1-22.
"Lovers, Parricides and Highwaymen": Aspects of Sturm und Drang Drama. (Columbia, SC: Camden House, 1999).
Ludwig Achim von Arnim's Novellas of 1812: Isabella of Egypt; Melück Maria Blainville; The Three Loving Sisters and the Lucky Dyer; and Angelika the Genoese and Cosmus the Tightrope-Walker [translation] (Lewiston: Mellen, 1997). Pp. 203 + xi.
"'Doch ein Begriff muß bei dem Worte sein:' Teaching Literature with an Electronically-Annotated Text." With Otmar Foelsche. Die Unterrichtspraxis, 28 (1995): 46-51.
"Some Common Themes in Sturm und Drang Reception," in Momentum Dramaticum. Aufsätze zu Ehren von Eckehard Catholy, ed. Linda Dietrick and David G. John (Waterloo, Ontario: Univ. of Waterloo Press, 1990): 149-160.
Luise Adelgunde Gottsched, The Witling (= Der Witzling), translated together with selected letters. In Bitter Healing: German Women Authors, 1700-1830, ed. Jeannine Blackwell and Susanne Zantop (Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1990), pp. 79-117.
"Werke von und über Achim von Arnim seit Volker Hoffmanns 'Die Arnim-Forschung 1945-1972'," in Neue Tendenzen der Arnim-Forschung, ed. Roswitha Burwick and Bernd Fischer (Bern: Lang, 1990): 289-307.
"Werther's Reflections on the Tenth of May," Exile and Enlightenment. Studies in Honor of Guy Stern (Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1987): 1-10.
"CALL for the Macintosh," CALICO Journal, 3, (1985): 11-15. With Robert Blake.
"'An Worte läßt sich trefflich glauben.' Die Sprache der Luise Millerin," in Friedrich Schiller. Kunst, Humanität und Politik in der späten Aufklärung, ed. Wolfgang Wittkowski (Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, 1982): 26-32.
"'Emilia Galotti lag auf dem Tisch aufgeschlagen:' Werther as (Mis-)Reader," Goethe Yearbook, 1 (1982): 40-49.
"Die Versöhnung in der Sommerfrische. Eine ungedruckte Erzählung Achim von Arnims," Aurora, 40 (1980): 100-146.
"Fate and Coincidence in Arnim's Seltsames Begegnen und Wiedersehen," Seminar, 15 (1979): 181-189.
"The Implied Reader in Lessing's Theory of Comedy," Lessing Yearbook, 10 (1978): 35-45.
"'Ich Pflanze!' Gerstenberg's Ugolino and the Mid-Life Crisis," Germanic Review, 53 (1978): 13-19.
"The Comic Structure of Lenz's Soldaten," Modern Language Notes (German Issue, 1976): 515-523.
"An Experimental Course in German," Schatzkammer, 2 (1976): 9-17.
"Some Correspondences between Arnim's Majoratsherren and Fichte's Concept of the Ich," Monatshefte, 68 (1976): 51-59.
"A 'Cool Medium' as Social Corrective: J. M. R. Lenz's Concept of Comedy," Colloquia Germanica, (1975): 47-60.
German for Fun and Prophet, Hanover: Kiewit, 1974. An experimental text for beginning German, supplemented by tapes and computer drills. Pp. 168.
"The Marchese's Story in Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre," Seminar, 8 (October, 1972): 169-180.
"Hand, Heart, and Language in Minna von Barnhelm," Seminar, 8 (March, 1972): 15-31.